
Synastry revolves around the romantic relationship between Mona & Scaramouche from Genshin Impact. The overarching theme is constellations, stemming from their key interactions surrounding the fallacy of the stars.
✦ — A5 (5.8 × 8.3 inches) page size
✦ — Perfect bound physical book
✦ — Merchandise such as acrylic charms, stickers, and pins will be included in our store
✦ — Synastry is a for-profit project, splitting post-production funds between all contributing members at the end of the project
////What are the expectations for contributors?The information stated below only applies to those who are accepted into the zine. For application guidelines, you can head here.
✦ — Artists will be expected to create their choice of either a portrait, spread, or fic collaboration.
✦ — Writers will be expected to write one fic with around 1.5k-2k.
✦ — Merch Artists will be expected to create 2-3 merch pieces.
- Contributors should be aged 16 and above. To receive payment, they should be at least 18 or choose to have money sent to a guardian's PayPal account. They may also choose to forfeit payment entirely.
- The rights of every individual piece belong to the contributors, and this means they are allowed to re-distribute them, but only AFTER pre-orders close. They are prohibited from sharing any WIPs during the process / stream of their work progress, with the exception of contributor previews.
- All submitted works should be original and created for this zine specifically. Plagiarism/tracing will not be tolerated.
- All contributors are required to have Discord, as it will be our main mode of communication.


Interest Check28 Sept - 26 Oct
Contributor Apps07 Nov - 05 Dec
Contributor Results Sent15 Dec
Deadline to Accept18 Dec
Pitches Due21 Dec
1st Check-in17 Jan
2nd Check-in13 Feb
Final Submission06 March
Preorders26 April - 31 May


Q: What is a fanzine?
A: A fanzine is a unofficial magazine, or collection of content, that surrounds a certain theme or topic. They typically include art and writing.
Q: What is the theme for this zine?
A: Synastry revolves around the romantic relationship between Mona & Scaramouche from Genshin Impact. The overarching theme is constellations, stemming from their key interactions surrounding the fallacy of the stars.
Q: Will this be a physical or digital zine?
A: This zine will be physical and digital.
Q: Will this be a charity or for-profit zine?
A: This zine will be for-profit.
Q: Are other ships or characters allowed in the zine?
A: Romantic ships that are not ScaraMona are not allowed. Other characters are allowed however Mona & Scaramouche must be the focus of the piece.
Q: Will there be AU content in this zine?
A: While we are tentatively interested in including AU content, this is subject to the interest of our accepted contributors.


Lucy - Layout
twitter | carrd
✦ Kodzuken Live
Graphics, Formatting
✦ Katsukitchen
Organization, Graphics, Formatting
More Zine Experience

Liv - Organization
twitter | carrd
✦ Eri and Friends
Organization, Finance, Shipping
✦ Miya²
Organization, Finance
More Zine Experience

Meg - Social Media
twitter | insta | carrd
✦ Timeless: BNHA Eras
Organization, Graphics
✦ Taberu: a HQ Cookbook
More Zine Experience

Vy - Production, Shipping
✦ Match Point
Shipping, Social
✦ 20.07.1994
Shipping, Social
More Zine Experience

Mage - Graphics
twitter | insta | carrd
✦ Linked by Fate
Organization, Graphics, Formatting
✦ Acquainted with Quarantine
Organization, Graphics, Formatting
More Zine Experience

Nash - Finance
twitter | carrd
✦ Timeless: BNHA Eras
Finance, Production, Shipping
✦ Taberu: a HQ Cookbook
Finance, Production, Shipping
More Zine Experience